Ai's Diary

it's my's now or never...i ain't gonna live forever...i just wanna live while i'm alive...

jacob brought me go buy my present today

after i think he already forget about it

*shock shock shock shock shock*

he won’t tell me he the thing he gonna get me

but eventually i found out…HAMSTERS!!!

we went to dodopet in ss15 but no luck

then we went to petsmore and yay!!!

he bought me 4 male hamsters!!!

of course i get to choose the sex…lol…

honestly,i’m really surprise he still remembers

i told him once i had a hamster and it passed away and i was very sad

he knows i love hamsters very much so he got me hamsters for my birthday

they are the perfect gift…all that i wanted and needed…to make me feel better

i’m really happy…every time i’m down he does something that will make me happy

though he don’t really know it la…i know can edi…just coincidence…

nevertheless thank you very much…

*gives big big hugs*


haven named my babies

will let jacob name 2 of them

jerrod named 1 of it pickles and became his godfather

another one will give the honor to ezen to name it

can’t differentiate which is which now though

hope i can recognize them in a few days time

thank you again jacob

i’m really so exited and happy that i’m smiling so wide



my cough was bad in the morning

but i didn’t care and drank chocolate ice blended

then during the break for consumer behavior class i ate ice cream potong

it was the second time ezen and me ate ice cream potong during this class

and college just entered the third week

maybe we should make it a weekly thing



today started out blue

but as the day progresses

i became more and more happy

i am happy today

it’s a good thing



ezen n me enjoying our ice cream potong =)Victor joined in the fun =P


MY BABIES    my babies are super duper active

it’s so hard to take a picture of all them together

will try though



1.00 am  

i really should go sleep now

nite nite



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