Ai's Diary

it's my's now or never...i ain't gonna live forever...i just wanna live while i'm alive...

my last post for this year

much that i haven write about this year

but i don’t really think that time is a factor

memory stays where it belongs

i’ll just write it down whenever i feel like it or want to

as long as i can remember it


thought long and hard about my life in the past year

a crazy life i can say

the most eventful year in my 19 years

had a great chinese new year with my ex

went to fish leong concert with him

went to bird park with him

went to cameron with my family

had my first breakup

cried for the longest period in my life

every single day for 3 months and gary said that’s a lot of water

had a XXX (secret)

got really close with my college friends

ezen,angie,liya,alicia,thian hoe and danny

thanks guys for everything

went to many outing and yamcha with them

1U,ikea,lookout point,ipoh,guitar hero,the late nights at d’santai for nasi goreng siam and long drive to setepak’s brj for nasi lemak ayam etc…

got closer to my other friends too

can really see who cares the most when i’m in trouble

even the most unexpected ppl can turn out to be the best friends

shanice,honey,peiwen,dage,gary,yuki,kok keng,a yang,pok

finally and most importanly i met someone really special

the person who made me smile

made all my tears disappear just like that

it’s been a month and nothing much going on

but i’m happy and kinda got used to not having you around that much

which i do hope you are around more

whatever la i’m crapping

just happy to have you

and no matter my relationship this time works out well or not

i’m ok with it and will just appreciate it while i can


so that’s it for 2009

i can’t say don’t go 2009

so i’ll just say welcome 2010

this year is a heartmaking year as pok says

i really hope it is


started this post before 12am but ended it after 12am

i’ll still consider it as a 2009 post

will modify the date too

play cheat





i love all of you



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