Ai's Diary

it's my's now or never...i ain't gonna live forever...i just wanna live while i'm alive...

weekend was fine though i had to cancel rock climbing plans

baked chocolate brownies on saturday

and opened a blog right when it was in the oven

cause i got inspired by julie and julia

no idea how long it would last though…haha

spent my time at home doing normal stuff

watch 2 movies

year one is is the stupidest movie i ever watch

and fantastic mr. fox which i find him quite attrative

i’m attracted to a fox…wth…xD


sunday i woke up really very very late

ate brownies for brunch

then cleaned my drawers

so it’s all clean and organized now!!

played with the cute black little kittie behind my house

i should take a picture of it tomorrow or maybe on tuesday

tried to study advertising cause having test on monday

but nothing is going into my head…and i don’t understand a thing

that’s what happens when i skipped too many class

don’t pay attention to miss maz and sleep or stone

then at night went mamak with ice cream dear

thank you dear for letting me hit you,tickle you, bite you

thank you dear for holding my hand, hugging me, letting me rest on your shoulder

love you so much…and i’m glad you love the brownies

would like to bake for you more often if you don’t mind =)


weekend was not as great as i thought it would be

but it was still nice

staying at home doing housework and baking is relaxing

a saturday night dinner with movie and chocolate brownies with vanilla ice cream is not bad

okay..i know i’m obsessed with my brownies i have to admit



should go to bed now

advertising is a disaster for me

wonder how i’m going to sit for the test tomorrow

oh and my new blog…click here



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