Ai's Diary

it's my's now or never...i ain't gonna live forever...i just wanna live while i'm alive...

I stood outside of the bakery again today
But this time it's after the downpour
The wind brings an unpleasant smell
It made my face felt sticky and damp

I was a little disappointed before that
Could not have what i wanted
Could not be what i wanted
Could not do what i wanted
So i kept myself away
Together with the smile

A little baby rat came up to me as i was standing there gazing away
I was not scared nor disgusted at all.Not even a little bit
The little innocent animal came close to me without fear
It sniffed my bared feet and walked right over them
Then it ran towards one end of the five foot way
Before running back into it's little hiding place when a stranger pass by
To me it was the most adorable thing ever and for a moment there I felt happy

I know fairy tale does not exist
But somehow this little rat remined me of cinderella
It appeared magicallt at the right time and at the right place
I owe this little rat because it showed right before i shed a tear
Thus i gave it bread crumbs and it received them with pleasure
Nibbling it in it's little cosy home and perhaps even shared it with it's family
who knows right? maybe there's a bunch of starving rats in the small little hole
for a second there i almost wanted to adopt that baby rat
but i know i can't and was a little sad

Will it come true if i believe in fairy tales and happy ever after?


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