Ai's Diary

it's my's now or never...i ain't gonna live forever...i just wanna live while i'm alive...


I've come to take refuge in this forgotten land
Probably the safest and only place to be myself

Growing up, does it make us more ignorant?
Things that were once hurtful, we just brush it off
Because that's what grown up do

I've been bitter for quite some time 
Some days I cope okay
Some days I don't
Like today

People don't express themselves anymore
The rawness and fragility of being human is gone
Replaced with happy moments plastered all over social media

Those blindling pictures are probably why people feel so alone these days
They can't reach out to others fearing judgement
Afterall negativity is not welcomed

Maybe it's just me that's stuck in a phase while others have moved forward
But I do miss the ones who I used to talked to till the wee mornings
We opened our hearts and we accepted each other

It's hard to trust people again


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