Ai's Diary

it's my's now or never...i ain't gonna live forever...i just wanna live while i'm alive...

one word and one word only




ice cream started his one week study break today

so i went to college early alone today =(

kinda got used to having him by my side every morning

so feel sort of awkward now

i have no idea where to go or what to do


anthro class…haha..anthro class…still didn’t do her tutorial

and i studied advertising in her class right in front of her

i think she hates me and gave up on rescuing mission

or maybe she just leave it up all to me if i want to change

i really should start doing her tutorials

really…must set target…"do miss lim’s tutorials"


didn’t join them for lunch or breakfast or whatever

went to pyramid instead with ice cream dear

we ate popeye’s instead!!!YUMMY!!!better than kfc

that babi actually woke up early on a holiday!!

wow!!!i’m totally impressed

thank you ice cream dear…

the food was good and the time was good too =)


macro class i studied my advertising again

but i paid attention in class too

last chapter and did the online question

want to start working hard for finals

really don’t wanna screw things up


then it was time for the test

sat alone at the side

was damn scare cause i wasn’t able to read finish everything

and i FORGOT to take my elephant from the car so i have NO STATIONARIES

ended up borrowing pencil from miss maz…xD

i didn’t cheat though and i scored 10 out of 15

my junior pandai pandai go change answer for me so i got 11 correct

and he exaggerated by saying

"if i didn’t change so many answer you wouldn't score this well"

but in fact he change only one…wth wei…

it made me feel damn damn damn damn damn bad after that

wanted a clean score…I WANTED A CLEAN SCORE…

but he’s just being nice so no hard feelings =)


consumer behavior class? i skipped.AGAIN!!!

went pyramid.for the SECOND time today

to watch CLASH OF THE TITANS with ice cream dear

i feel like i watch it before…

sometime i think is the old version

sometime i think is the new one

i’m so confused but it was a nice movie


after that we went shopping…okay not really shopping la

just went to popular bookstore

i went all crazy over color paper and envelopes

spend so long in popular just at the paper section…

i’m a weird girl i know

bought 12 color envelopes and a pack of color paper

so what do i do with these? i have absolutely NO IDEA!!!

just wanted them so badly that i couldn’t resists myself

they are just so COLORFULL and LOVABLE!!


stuck in the jam and got all crazy with ice cream dear in the car

he wanted to detour and gave me a surprise

but in 3 seconds i said:

"you want to bring me to drive thru buy ice cream right?"

haha…and i was right again for i don’t know for the how many times

ice cream dear was going like:

"ish next time cannot tell you i want to give you surprise already."

then it was all the lameness and the ss-ness

one LAME joke

me: i’m medusa

dear: oh,i’m stoning

and we kinda switch roles today

i’m being super lame and ice cream dear being super ss…xD


today was really a great day for me

thank you so much ice cream dear

see i told you there’s nothing to worry about not having enough time

silly ice cream



will go r=do a little anthro then zzz…



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