daddy send me back to subang again today
ever since august last year he has been doing that
each time i go back tampin he will personally send me back to usj
somehow i think he still worries for me about the whole breakup thing
thank you daddy,really…but i’m all better now,i’m a big girl and i can take care of myself
i appreciate all the things you are doing,but it’s ok now…you can stop worrying for me =)
if only i could say these words to him,instead i could only say “thank you daddy for sending back”
then see him and mommy drive away in his old datsun to either ampang or all the way back to tampin
it makes me cry sometimes that i am unable to give them a better life
my parents are great people that sacrifice so much for their children
they deserves the best in life but i just don’t have the ability to give them that
neither can my sister who i have no say over what they do in their lives
but deep down i know mommy and daddy wish that chieh yen would start working again
and chieh hoon would get over the hard times she is facing now
my microsoft powerpoint was giving me a super hard time today
was trying to complete my consumer behavior slides
but it crash like 8 times in just one hour
but luckily i was able to finish it…phew
if not don’t know what la to say to my group members
ice cream dear went to thean’s birthday dinner
i didn’t go cause i have to do work =(
but after that ice cream came to pick me up around 9pm
"dear, are you rushing? go open the car butt to take your retailing book."
so i go open lor…then there it was. 3 balloons there!!!
one blue one green and one pink
all of my favorite colors!!!
and the pink one was in LOVE SHAPE!!!
OMG!!!thank you ice cream dear for the surprise…
thank you so much!!!it was an awesome surprise
the best surprise ever i could get
i brought my helium to the mamak
took picutres with them at the mamak
play with them at the mamak
tak malu one me…xD
thank you so much ice cream dear
gosh…i can’t stop saying thank you now
and ice cream dear let me play the sims at mamak
so got to distress there a bit
thank you dear…see there i go again
oh and the sims expansion pack is awesome!!!
shall play again next time…
dear please control me ya…
it is as if i have a helium heart now
it feels so light and happy that it is floating in midair
hsiang seems to be one of the few people that can make my day brighter each day now
he makes me smile and laugh and i am truly grateful for that
he make my life that seems so meaningless and worthless to me means a little something
thank you ice cream dear…may we have more great times ahead of us =)
i should go study macro now
p/s: ice cream dear will sit for his mock exam tomorrow.wish him all the best.gambateh dear.*hugs*
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