it’s 3.35am and here i am
still awake and still not feeling sleepy
was suppose to blog about the friday outing and AAR concert after my shower
but diverted to watching a movie
which i cried the whole 2 hours watching it
ps: i love you
there’s so much that i feel and want to say after watching it
but now i don’t really know how to express it
i think the movie expresses it all for me
so i won’t write any thing about it
maybe i will after i watch it for the second or third time
having a strong feeling that i will watch it again soon
yes…it’s a nice movie which i sometimes relate myself to it
losing someone you loved so much is not easy
letting go is even more harder
and sometimes it feels like he is still here, like he never left too
but truth be told his not here (k…listen to much AAR songs ady…haha…)
which is harder?
to lose a person via death or to lose him as he decides to leave?
for me it’s the same no matter what
cause if i loved someone that deeply
i just want to stay by his side forever
yes…forever…to grow old together
even if it means we will have fights and arguments once in a while
when i was with you
i always have the fear of losing you
but not in the way like it is now
i’m afraid that you will suddenly leave me like your brother leave you
that is my greatest fear when i’m with you
but it doesn’t matter anymore does it?
i just hope that you are healthy and happy
her husband loved her deeply
and she loved him so much too
even before he die he think of how to make her move on in life
i’m waiting for the day that i will find a love of that kind
p/s: i love you…i still love you and still think of you…
it’s 4am now and i think i should go sleep…nitez…
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