Ai's Diary

it's my's now or never...i ain't gonna live forever...i just wanna live while i'm alive...

being very unproductive lately

can’t manage to get a thing done

not working on my assignments

don’t bother to eat

don’t clean my room

don’t do housework

don’t even bring the poor doggie for a walk anymore

the only things that i can do is

spill all my stupid feelings here

sleep and cry and

stare at the computer for nothing

and time just fly by

one more day is gone

finance assignment i haven start

and the due date is tomorrow

suppose to wake up 4am this morning but

didn’t have the will to get up when the alarm rang

and it is a group project

i’m sorry guys…i know i’m selfish

i’ll stay back in college today to get it done…

the only thing i enjoy doing now

is having my hot shower

feeling the warm water just flowing through my skin

that is the only time i can feel

some warmth and comfort

but the moment i step out of it

it’s like the whole world is attacking me again

if given the chance i would stay under it forever

i’m so tired… 

slept so much but still tired…

i can’t breath…

save me….

i just want to disappear…


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