people change
some brought better life, some brought worst and some brought disappointment
life goes on, learn to be strong and stand on our own feet
we are independent individual, we don't need anyone to survive
for those who hurted you, all you have to do just turn around and walk away with your biggest smile and never look back
-Lim Stephanie
爱情常常 从希望开始,但也由绝望结束.
不管你的条件有多差 总会有个人在爱你。不管你的条件有多好 也总有个人不爱你——张爱玲
Love is like a have a comfortable temperature,it must not be too hot or cold.if its too hot,you will die.if its too cold,you'll,love your lover at an acceptable level
i am wondering, if it was all worth it, all the things that i did and let go to prove something.
i am wondering, if it was all worth it, all those times of crying in the shower alone.
i am wondering, if it was all worth it, all those those of crying off to sleep.
i am wondering, if it was all worth it, to swallow the pain and continue.
the only thing that is not changing is change itself.
change is inevitable
the question is we change for the better or for worse?
the question is we change for someone else or ourselves?
the question is we change for the good of something or just to protect our own interest?
i tried so hard to accept so many things.
i tried so hard to change for things to work.
now i feel it’s not worth it.
the more i try to be better
the more i try to accept things
the more i get hurt
i feel so wounded i can’t talk anymore
but i am not strong enough.
not strong enough and cold enough to just turn around and walk away with a big smile
i wish i can do that. i wish i can. i wish i can.
but that’s not me.
though i can change.
change is up to me. i can change.
why should i care when other just hurt me
cause that’s not me.
i am struggling.
to be who i am
or to change to be more selfish, ignorant, and cold
i am struggling.
who i want to be?
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