Hong Kong Dim Sum for bruch with parents and Chieh Hoon in Puchong two saturdays ago.
sister was away for 2 weeks enjoying time in NZ.i had to babysit the cat and dog.parent babysited me.xD
spent some late night doing assignments.honey starts kept me company the whole night.
made macarons for the first time in my life.they turned out to be tiny bite size biscuits.
but i got them in the right size in the third try =)
enjoyed the flea market on the weekend with parents
i love old stuff
i want a old phone and a record player for my future home
had dinner at ikea and an heart pumping ride home
where public speaking is a tough as usual.topic got rejected.persuasive speech is a lot of work
i wish i could write grandfather story but i have no time
life is too busy lately
it will get busier the coming weeks
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