high assay principle is when money is invested in areas that will yield the best returns.
i learnt this in retailing class just a few minutes ago and now here i am skipping it to write about it.
it's the way my lecturer puts it that makes me so interested and think it from a different perspective
she somehow reminds me of myself at times
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according to cassey (my retailing lecturer),when parents invest more in a certain child, no matter it is time or money,which in her case is her sister, they will EXPECT more from them. This is quite true, because the more DEPENDENT you are to somebody, the more RESPONSIBILITIES you have towads that someone,and the more they will expect from you till a point that they will take you for GRANTED and won't APPRECIATE the things you do anymore.everything you do are just like the things that you are SUPPOSE to do for them..it is unnecessarily has to be parents.it can be your siblings as well,which is in my case.sometimes it can even be your friends or maybe your partner.anyway,for me, my parents didn't invest much on me,but they certainly do love me a lot,they love all 3 of us sister equally lots, it's just that when it came to my time,daddy retired from work and financially he wasn't able to give me a lot,and my sister which just graduated from university has to keep herself alive.both of them.so i ended up living with what i have and honestly, i think i am a good child, i don't demand things from my parents,nor from my sister and compared to my sisters i did not get much things that are paid by parents.i am not coplaining in anyway. i am just comparing my life and theirs.
cassey said another thing which i think is true as well. when someone has more freedom, they will be more bad, or maybe wild in other sense.we people(including me) with lots of freedom are more independent and don't treat people as nice because we don't have responsibilties. somehow i feel people that treat other nice are just hypocrite that are secretly treating you nice because they want something from you,maybe not in the short run but in the long run.in other words they are engaging in human investment.anyway.one thing casssey said was when you are bad all along and suddenly treat someone nice,they will go like "oh,you are being nice" then that is like a bonus for us.but for nice people which are always nice, people will not get surprise and eventually take them for granted.
i seriously need to get back to class.
shall brush this post up later.
and yeah,i love cassey,not in a gay way of course.
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