~went for bbq buffet at yaki yaki yesterday~
near low yat there
per person is RM18.90++
after ++ is RM22
ok la...still can la...
table full of food
the people go there take food like one month never eat ady
so scary...
kiasu malaysians...
so scary...
kiasu malaysians...
the sushi bar was empty within just a few minutes
and we need to wait for them to refill it
can you imagine that?
hungry people are more scary than hungry ghost~took a lot of tempura prawns~
~must eat expensive food to get back the rm22~
~california rolls~
~food all gone into tummy ady~
~batu api taking out even the smallest strip of cucumber in the sushi~
~ezen and ai~
~as usual~
played a stupid game
truth or dare became
who have to finish up the food
who have to go que up to take baskin robbins
*forgot to mention yaki yaki offered unlimited baskin robbins*
*but the line was damn long*

~dun you even dare thinking of eating my cakes XD~

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